Royally Seduced Read online

Page 11

  “No, you’re the stallion.” She wiggled her eyebrows lasciviously, making him laugh even harder. “How do you say that in French?”

  “Oh, no, no.” He shook his head. “I’ll teach you any other French words you want, but not that.”

  “Okay, I’ll ask the next Frenchwoman I meet. And if she asks why I want to know, I’ll look at you and smile.”

  He groaned. “Ah, my reputation will never recover if you do that. Stallion is étalon.”

  “Ay-tal-ohn,” she mimicked. “My stallion.”

  “Ah, mon dieu, Lily.” He laughed. “I never know what to expect from you.”

  “Is that a bad thing?”

  “Not at all.” Jack kissed her mouth and extricated himself from the rumpled bedding. “I’ll be right back.” He pulled on his briefs and disappeared downstairs, quickly returning with a pair of champagne flutes and a bottle of champagne. “I was going to do this first. Show you the house, offer you champagne, feed you and then…” He gave a shrug and laughed, setting down the glasses to open the bottle.

  “Then this?” She pointed at her naked body. Somehow she wasn’t shy around him.

  “Only if you wanted.” He poured the pale bubbly into the tall narrow glasses, designed especially so the bubbles would not immediately evaporate and flatten the wine.

  “I did want.”

  “Good. So did I.” He offered her a full champagne flute. “To this. To us.”

  They delicately touched the rims of what had to be fine crystal and Lily sipped, her eyes widening in shock. “No. This isn’t—”

  He gave her a sidelong glance. “Isn’t what?”

  “Did you open a bottle of Bollinger Blanc?”

  “You have an excellent palate. That’s exactly what it is. 1995, to be exact.”

  She sat bolt upright. “Jack! We can’t accept their hospitality and then drink all the expensive wine. How tacky is that?”

  “Not tacky at all. I bought it myself the last time I visited and we didn’t get around to drinking it, that’s all.”

  “Oh.” She relaxed a bit. “But you really should replace it before we go, don’t you think?”

  “Of course. There is an excellent wine store in a nearby town. I’ll order another bottle.”

  “Okay, but you have to let me help pay for it. You’re not the only one drinking it, you know.” She took another sip. It was the best champagne she’d ever tasted, and this time she had a whole glass of it, not just a stolen sip from an untouched party glass.

  A whole glass…she dribbled some down her belly so it pooled in her navel. “Have a drink, Jack. Nice and wet, the way you like it.”

  His nostrils flared and he dipped his tongue in her belly button. “I like it all. I like you, nice and wet.” He inhaled greedily. “I can smell myself on you, smell your arousal.” He drew lazy circles on her belly with his tongue and then stopped suddenly.

  She nudged him to get him going again but he sat back on his haunches and gestured at her glass. “Have some more champagne.”

  “You don’t have to get me drunk to have your wicked way with me. I’m perfectly willing.” But she wasn’t willing to let her champagne go flat, so she drank more.

  “Bah,” he puffed in disgust. “Real men do not need to get women drunk to make love. That is why we only went to sleep first our first night in Provence—you were tired and had much wine in addition. I would not take advantage of that.”

  “Good thing I sobered up in my sleep.” She deliberately stretched and yawned, making sure her breasts pointed up invitingly.

  He took a large mouthful of champagne and before she realized what he was doing, fastened his mouth on her nipple. She shrieked at first from the cold and then the bubbles popping against her tender skin. A chuckle rumbled through him, but he sucked at her with the sparkling wine.

  He finally let go and swallowed. “Ah, what could be better?”

  “Doing the same to my other nipple?” she suggested.

  “Excellent.” He complied with her request until both peaks were tingling. He refilled her glass and she spilled champagne onto his belly and licked it off. He was rock-hard again and inches from her lips, his head ripe and purple like a juicy sweet plum. And she knew just how to eat it.

  She sat up and gave him a wicked smile before filling her mouth with champagne. His eyes widened. “Oh, no, Lily.”

  She smirked and closed her mouth around his plump flesh and it was his turn to arch off the bed in a howl of pure sensation. The bubbles buzzed him as she sucked on him. Champagne dribbled down his shaft as she took him deeper between her lips. He fisted his fingers through her hair, tiny pinpricks of pleasure and pain tingling her scalp.

  “Enough,” he growled, lifting her head so she released him.

  “Don’t you like that?” He’d sure seemed to enjoy it so far.

  “Too much. I want to be inside you, want us to explode together.” He pushed her onto her hands and knees and she heard a packet rip open. “Have you ever seen a stallion take a mare, Lily?”

  She shook her head, quivering in anticipation as he moved behind her. He quickly found her clit, still throbbing and swollen from their previous loveplay. She tossed her hair back and he nudged her legs apart.

  Jack covered her body with his, his chest on her back, his strong hands braced on the bed next to her smaller, more delicate ones. She expected to feel confined, intimidated, even frightened since he had the position of power and she couldn’t see what he was doing. But there was no coercion in his actions, only security and shelter in his arms. “Take me like that, Jack.”

  “Yes…” he hissed and pushed inside her. Lily gave a little scream as he nipped at her neck. She bowed her head and saw her hard-tipped breasts swaying in time to his thrusts—the nipples he’d sucked on. Saw his thick erection moving in and out of her—the erection she’d sucked on. Their raw animal passion shocked her and aroused her to a fever pitch.

  “You like it like this, don’t you.” It wasn’t a question. He could obviously feel how her body melted around him, wet and creamy.

  “I want to feel you inside me.”

  “I am, bébé, I am.” He shoved himself to the hilt to let her feel his power, his heft.

  She shook her head, not daring to say what she wanted.

  “What?” he soothed her. “Tell me what you want. I’ll do anything you want.”

  She allowed her imagination to run wild for an instant, wanting the most impossible thing. “Inside me without the condom,” she gasped. “Skin on skin. Feeling you shoot inside me when you come, hot and sticky.”

  “Oh, merde.” His reply was anguished and his whole body shook. “You’ll make me come just by saying that. I want that too, but…” His cock pulsed inside her, as if readying to fire.

  “Yeah, I know.” Better to be safe than sorry. But it would be so intense for both of them.

  “Lily, that would be my biggest fantasy.” He moved inside her again, in and out. “When we were driving here today, I was thinking of how powerful that would be.”

  “Ohhh…” That was the cause of his arousal while driving. “No wonder you were so turned on.”

  He grunted, whether in passion or embarrassment, she didn’t know. Or care, since he had seized her hips and was thrusting into her, hitting all the right spots. And then he reached around her and found her clit, and she screamed, coming really hard.

  He followed her, his cock tensing and flexing inside her as he roared his release. He pulled out of her and eased them down to the bed.

  Lily pried her eyes open and kissed his shoulder, the nearest body part she could reach without moving too much. Her eyes widened. “Geez, did I do that?”

  “What?” He looked down at where she pointed to his chest. “A love bite.” A smug smile spread over his face at the idea that she had bitten him in a fit of passion. Her own face flushed.

  He laughed, a rich and hearty sound. “Why, Lily, you little savage.” He sat up and turned his back to her.
“Do I carry your claw marks, too?”

  In fact, he did—eight red lines on his shoulders from where she clutched at him. He looked over his shoulder at her and lifted an eyebrow at her guilty expression. “Those, too, eh?”

  “Oh, my God.” She buried her face in her hands and rolled onto her stomach. How embarrassing to mangle the poor guy when all he was doing was helping her enjoy herself.

  “Uh-uh.” He rolled her back, his eyes warm and crinkling at the corners. “I knew the risks going in, but I will always be willing to sacrifice a few centimeters of epidermis for your pleasure.”

  She flicked her fingers against his upper arm. “Your pleasure, too, as if you didn’t notice.”

  “I have rather delicate skin, you know.” He scooped her into his arms, forestalling any of her attempts at retaliation. “All I ask is that you do not leave any permanent marks.”

  “Oh, Jack.” She buried her face in his chest, his chuckle rumbling under her ear. She may have marked him physically, but he had marked her emotionally with his tenderness, his kindness and his care—and this was only after a few days. Once they parted, she would carry a mark more painful than any bruise or scratch.


  LILY PADDED DOWNSTAIRS in her chocolate-brown shorts and white tank top after waking up alone in the pleasantly mussed big bed. After a couple peeks into a formal dining room, family room and study, she found him in the kitchen. “There you are, Jack.” He sat at the big island in the middle of the room reading a newspaper.

  “Have a good nap, Lily?” He set down the paper and swiveled to face her.

  She nodded and yawned, her muscles pleasantly loose and relaxed from their romp upstairs and the nap that had followed it. She wrapped her arms around his waist and nuzzled his cheek. He was clean-shaven and smelled sunny, like lemons and green herbs. He must have showered while she was sleeping. “I’ve been asleep for a couple hours—you should have woken me up.”

  “You needed the rest.” He kissed her neck and she halfheartedly pushed at him.

  “Stop, Jack, I need to shower.”

  “Mmm, you smell great.” He slipped his hand up her tank top, his long fingers unerringly finding her breast. “No bra, either.”

  Lily relaxed into his embrace and was beginning to wonder if the granite countertop would feel terribly cold and hard on her back when her stomach growled. Not once, but three times.

  Jack laughed and withdrew his hand, kissing her on the tip of her nose. “I am a poor host. We have been here for hours and the only thing we’ve had is some champagne.”

  She wiggled her eyebrows. “We’ve had a bit more than that.”

  He laughed and stood up. “Food for now. The pantry is usually well-stocked, and we can drive to town later for fresh bread, fruits and vegetables.”

  “And cheese, Jack. Ever since we had that wonderful late-night snack at the bed-and-breakfast, I’ve had a taste for goat cheese.”

  “Layered with fresh tomato and basil, drizzled with fine olive oil and cracked black pepper,” Jack teased, making her mouth water.

  “All right, you better get cooking.” She shook her finger at him and he laughed.

  “This is a beautiful kitchen, Jack.” The big kitchen was bright and sunny, like everything in Provence. The walls were plastered in a creamy yellow, and the exposed ceiling beams were dark and weathered, as if they had been exposed to centuries of cooking smoke.

  “I am glad you like it.” He dug through the large fridge. “Hmm. Not a lot of fresh ingredients, but I can make some pasta. How does that sound?”

  “Lovely.” Lily hopped up onto the stool he’d vacated. The island’s base was cream weathered oak cabinetry to match the rest of the kitchen.

  “Good.” Jack pulled out a large stockpot and filled it with water, setting it to boil. He went to the pantry and pulled out some cans and jars.

  Lily was glad to have him cook but reminded herself to take some pictures for her blog. She scanned the room—a big brick fireplace and a seating area with a leather couch made the area cozy. “But why the fireplace? It doesn’t get terribly cold, does it?”

  He nodded. “The fierce mistral wind can drop the temperature within minutes, and winter can be very damp and cold. We are thin-blooded here and not used to the low temperatures.”

  She had a flash of her and Jack sitting on the leather couch in front of a lit fire. He would hand her a glass of rich red wine (that always seemed more like a winter beverage) and they would toast each other before snuggling together.

  She shook her head. Winter was months away. She was returning to New York, and Jack was returning to the next dangerous disaster area that came along—not exactly good for a relationship.

  Lily hopped up and paced toward the wide picture windows overlooking the back garden. She opened the French doors and stepped onto the flagstone patio. Big terra-cotta pots of herbs dotted the edges. Basil, thyme and tarragon. The warm, dry weather here was perfect for growing herbs. There was even a row of rosemary bushes near a bench. “Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme,” she sang to herself.

  “You have a lovely voice.” Jack was leaning against the door frame, a small stainless-steel colander in one hand.

  “No, I don’t.” She waved her hand dismissively. “The choir director at my school told me I’d never improve unless I had private lessons.”

  “And you didn’t get to have lessons?” he guessed, coming onto the patio.

  She shrugged. “It was only my mom and me growing up, so it was hard for her to come up with the money for lessons.”

  “The two of you? And your mother never remarried?”

  Lily had to smile. “She finally did after I was grown. At least Stan is good around the house.” She burst out laughing.

  “What?” Jack looked puzzled.

  “Hmm.” She stopped laughing and gave him a steady look. He’d been nothing but open and honest with her, and she’d been holding back from him. “Let’s pick some herbs for the pasta.”

  He nodded, and they quickly selected some thyme, tarragon and a touch of savory. Lily rinsed the herbs off in the sink while Jack broke spaghetti noodles into the pasta pot and heated a sauté pan on the stove with a splash of olive oil and chopped garlic.

  With his back to her, it was easier to tell her story. “I grew up in a house like that big manor house we passed on the way in.”

  He whipped around to look at her, a puzzled look on his face. Obviously she was not some rich girl out for a lark in Europe.

  “My mother was the housekeeper,” she clarified.

  “Oh.” He nodded. “Hence your taste for truffles and foie gras. You have a very sophisticated palate.”

  “Oui.” She wrinkled her nose in amusement. “As the American phrase goes, I have champagne tastes with a beer budget.”

  “Another fascinating colloquialism. I am improving my English thanks to you every day.”

  She rolled her eyes in bemusement. He spoke better English than many native speakers.

  “And you know I am more than happy to supply you champagne whenever you desire.” The smoky look he shot her sent shivers down her spine. “But did the family you worked for treat you well?”

  “Mrs. Wyndham isn’t the warm and cuddly type, but she’s always been fair with my mother and me,” she allowed. “My father was killed in a car accident when I was a baby and my mother started working as an assistant to the housekeeper. When she retired, Mom took her job and we moved into the carriage house over the garage. It was bigger than the tiny Philly apartment we’d been living in and the countrylike atmosphere of the upscale Main Line suburb seemed like paradise.”

  Jack nodded as he sliced a narrow, pepperoni-like sausage into slices. “Rip up those herbs and tell me more.”

  Lily busied herself with pulling the fresh leaves from their stems, the spicy green scent a kind of aromatherapy. “You know, I never like talking about this.”

  He paused slicing and raised his head. “Why not? Are you ashamed
of the work your mother did? That she was a servant?”

  “Don’t call her that!” Lily snapped without thinking.

  He gazed at her steadily. “To serve is not a shameful thing. A widow with a small child would have had limited choices in careers—that is, if she wanted to keep you with her instead of giving you up to relatives or foster care.”

  Lily bit her lip.

  “I am a servant, too,” he continued. “I serve the poor and the needy instead of the rich. Does that make my work of even less value?”

  “No.” She struggled with a particularly tough stem but her hands were shaking with emotion. “That’s different. That’s charity—altruism for the less fortunate.”

  He set down the knife. “Charity begins at home. I know that American saying. But your mother did her work out of love for you, an even more powerful motivation.”

  Lily stared down at the green mess in her bowl. Jack dumped the cooked pasta into a colander in the sink and shut off the burner under the sauté pan.

  He came around the island and gathered her into his arms. “I am sorry. This is a tender subject for you and you are hungry and tired.”

  She shook her head. “You’re right. I guess I resent it sometimes. Being the poorest kid in a school full of rich ones wasn’t the best situation.”

  “Oh, Lily.” He started to say something and then stopped, kissing the top of her head.

  She wrapped her arms around his waist and settled into his embrace. Had she ever really discussed her childhood with anyone but Sarah? She doubted it. “You make me think about things I don’t usually think about.”

  “Then don’t. Madame Finch would whack me with a ruler for treating you so poorly. We are here to relax and get to know each other, that’s all.”

  How could she let him get to know her when she didn’t know herself? For a writer, she was singularly not interested in self-reflection. Maybe that was why she wrote how-to and travel articles instead of weepy book-club memoirs. And really, what did she have to complain about? She sighed. Maybe it was time to look at her unusually overprivileged underprivileged childhood.